• Jean Monnet TISIM project 2018-2019
    ERASMUS + JEAN MONNET PROJECT 2018-2019 Montenegrin Pan-European Union (MPEU) Project Name “UN Agenda 2030 – EU Agenda 2025: Through Integration towards Sustainability in Montenegro” The Montenegrin Pan-European Union has received grant (Erasmus + Jean Monnet Action 2018) for conducting “UN Agenda 2030 – EI Agenda 2025: Through Integration Towards Sustainability in Montenegro” (TISIM) from Sept...
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  • VIDEO: The conference of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union "Building sustainable future for Montenegro through EU accession process and UN sustainable development goals" is organized in Berane
    Berane, (MINA) – The Montenegrin Pan-European Union (MPEU) organized two days on Friday and Saturday 17-18 May 2019 in Berane a conference entitled “Building a Sustainable Future for Montenegro through Accession to the EU and UN Sustainable Development Goals”. Agenda of the Conference. The conference was supported by the European Union (EU) through the Jean Monnet project “...
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