The Montenegrin Pan-European Union was founded at the Funding Assembly on May 17th 2016. in the Congress hall of Hotel “Podgorica”, with the presence of over 150 guests and members from various parts of Montenegro. Mr. Vladan Lalović, the initiator of the foundation idea of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union, addressed the attendees before the Initiative Committee, who expressed satisfaction with the establishment of the branch of the Pan-European Union in Montenegro: “In less than half a year, after I spoke with Prof. Topić, member of the International Pan-European Union’s Presidency on the possibilities of forming a Montenegrin branch, we have gone the full path from idea to the establishment of the Union. The talks that followed with some prominent figures gave me the right to start the realization of the idea and form an organizational structure through which we would promote Pan-European values in Montenegro: unity, freedom and solidarity – which represent the motto of the Pan-European Union.
These are values that are deeply rooted in our people, who, by writing down their thousand-year long struggle for the freedom and dignity, contributed to the universal heritage of the human spirit from the wound of their being. Often it is recalled humanism, which needs to be awakened again at this time. This is praiseworthy, but such a request does not say much. There can be no talk of deep humanity if we do not step on the path of humanity “where we will meet a man who often groans under the burdens of a desperate fate – because this world is unhappy”, wording of the great Borhes. Mr. Lalovic pointed out that the idea of the Pan-European Union is firmly based on the essential principles of European unity, subsidiarity and the rich heritage of Greek philosophy, Roman law and European humanism and culture

The two main priorities of the Pan-European Movement today are the stabilization of the European Union and its further expansion to the rest of the continent. Hence, the place in united Europe for Montenegro is unquestionable. In fact, we are not going there- because we have always been part of it, only because of the brutal past we had sometimes forgotten it, as Europe had often forgotten us. I will use one fragment of (probably) the most brilliant literary feather and the world-renowned figure of Fyodor Dostoevsky, who had said this to his compatriots: “we still should not give up on Europe. Europe is our second homeland – I first admit it, and I always confessed. And as soon as the Europeans realize that we have started to respect our people and culture, they will immediately begin to respect us.” And indeed, as we develop more strongly and independently in our national spirit, we should be closer to understanding the European soul; and by getting closer to Europe, we would become understandable to it as to ourselves.

Prof. dr Gordana Đurović has been elected for the President and Mr. Vladan Lalović for the Secretary General of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union. The Presidency was composed of eminent intellectuals and professors of the University. Moreover, the Supervisory Board and the Court of Honor have been formed at the Assembly, as well.