The delegation of the Montenegrin Pan-European Union – Bojana Boskovic, Petar Raicevic and Djordije Djurovic attended final conference of the “Citizen Looking for Multidimensional Migration Challenges (CITIMIG)” project in Vienna, organized by the Pan-European Union of Austira. This project was co-financed by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union. Also, the MPEU was partner in this project.
First day of final CITIMIG conference sparked a debate on “Migrations – Sword of Damocles above Europe?”. The speakers were: Dr. Arabelle Bernecker-Thiel – political scientist, Austria, Augustin Nguh – researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Köszeg (iASK), Hungary, Egle Samuchovatte – Program Director at Lithuanian Red Cross, and Fabian Lutz – Senior Legal Expert European Commission DG Migration and Home Affairs. This panel was moderated by Lovro Klinar from Paneuropa Movement Slovenia.
The second panel “The art and power of European political dialogue” was dedicated to overcoming political differences in the EU, the conference on the future of Europe, European identity, and what individuals can do. The speakers were: Dr. Paul Rübig – expert for the EESC on the conference on the future of Europe, Austria, Vinzenz Stimpfl-Abele – internationaL advisor for strategy and communication, Austria, and Dimitar Nikolovskt, Executive Director of Eurothink – Center for European Strategies, Skopje. Bojana Boskovic, MPEU project manager moderated this panel.
Second day of final CITIMIG conference brought a debate on “Rethinking the future of Europe” addressing how European citizens can contribute to the debate on various European issues like security, social and economy policy. The speakers were: Bent Nerby Bonde – secretary general Europe ‘s People’s Forum, Denmark, Leida Ruvina – Research Fellow Institute of Advanced Studies in Köszeg, Hungary, and Mag. Mariana Kuhnel – Deputy Secretary General, Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Austria. Panel was moderated by Rainhard Kloucek.
At this conference, Petar Raicevic, member of the Presidency of the MPEU Youth, presented the results of the “Multidimensional aspects of Democracy and Identity: Youth Dialogue and Learning in the time of COVID-19 pandemic (MULTIYOU)” project that the MPEU has successfully implemented.